Sunday 19 August 2012

Final Week

So the last week of my 4 month mission has arrived with surprising speed. The remaining posts will be a selection of some of my favourite photos, places and experiences. Enjoy!

The beautiful burning sky as the sunsets off my balcony.

View from the The Cozy Corner - a great place to enjoy a cold beverage at the end of a 'stressful' work week!

Lighthouse at the entrance to a very busy harbour in Nassau.

Colourful costumes of Junkanoo.

The Bo Hengy travels to the Family Islands, on this day it took me and 300 of my closest friends to Abaco.
Potters Cay in downtown Nassau has the sights and smells of local cuisine! Here live crabs struggle in the heat - not a pretty smell.

Potters Cay is also where Mr. Lockdown practices his trade!

The twins speared the lobster just 50 yards offshore.
The sharks and stingrays waiting for their performance - AKA lunch!

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