Friday 24 August 2012

Final Week - Highlights Continued (Delayed)

After a short hiatus due to lack of internet access (thanks landlord for not paying the bill!) here are more highlights of my time in the Caribbean.

The beaches Provodenciales (Turks and Caicos Islands) are beautiful!

The view from my hotel in Turks and Caicos was pretty nice, I think you'd agree!

This sunsets were also pretty nice there too!

Conch is very popular in the Caribbean, I only every ate it cooked. The locals prefer it raw!

The geckos was not as large as I expected!

One disappointment is not getting inside the National Art Museum, this photo was taken outside.

Parliamentary building in downtown Nassau. Pink is the most common paint colour for buildings.

Even the view from the gas station is pretty nice!

The view from my balcony on a stormy night was always pretty cool.

This small gecko was hanging onto the side of our hotel room in Eleuthera.

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