Thursday 19 July 2012

Eluethera Island Weekend Part 3

Sorry folks for the delay in getting another post up! This post is the last post from our 3 day weekend on Eleuthera and highlight the sights from our excursion to blue holes around Rock Sound. For those who want more information on blue holes checkout

The first stop was a hole in the middle of 'town' which was surrounded by rock and the hole was filed with fish.

The second blue hole was very cool, there was a turtle swimming in the hole when we arrived unfortunately he dove before we got a photo. There were a series of really cool caves  along one side of the hole. It was really hot and humid in the caves. 

Out last stop was a hole just off the shore. We snorkeled around the hole. Our guide informed me after we were safely back on shore that he saw the shadow of a lemon shark while we swam!!

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