Friday 27 April 2012

Entry 2

The journey to Nassau for my 4 month assignment began very early departure from Ottawa on April 23rd. During the 10 minute drive to the airport the weather went from heavy rain to snow! What a great time to leave town. Here is picture taken while I waited for my flight Toronto.

Despite the 45 minute delay departing Ottawa, I had enough time in Toronto to make next flight which would take me far away from winter.  I arrived in Nassau to beautiful blue skies and a lovely breeze. My arrival was slightly dampened by the sight of one of my bags, brand new I will add, which was missing a strap …Thank You, Air Canada. The annoyance was lessened by the view from my apartment window!

My first week at the office was filled with meeting lots of people and learning more about the work they hope I’ll complete before I head north for the winter. I did find time to check out my neighbourhood beach.  

As well as a local eatery near the office. 

I think that I might like it here!

Friday 6 April 2012

My first post....

My departure for my 4 month assignment with PAHO in Nassau, The Bahamas is only a couple weeks away.  I will attempt to keep this space updated with with my island experiences.